The NEW MA Toolz BOLDERX is a genius design. It is adjustable, light and versatile. It will hold all of your favorite rebreakable boards as well as the 1/4 inch, 1/2 inch and up to two 1 inch wood boards.
The BOLDERX will protect the board holder’s fingers from injury and it gives the kicker more confidence when breaking boards because the kicker knows he won’t kick the holder’s fingers.
Great for accuracy training, speed breaking, testing, demonstration etc. Why take a chance injuring your fingers or your students fingers when you can protect them with the BOLDERX.
Hold at any angle for any kick. The BOLDERX is more versatile than all the other board holders on the market.
Have you ever kicked a board in a board holder that is braced up against the wall. Unless you are perfectly accurate, it can be scary and also painful when you aren’t on target. The BOLDERX gives the kicker and the holder more confidence.

Bolder X Videos
How to set up your Bolder X